paper products

I say paper products generally because there are many forms that make life better. I love to throw parties, so napkins, paper (or plastic) cups, and paper plates are nice. But honestly, I like to use real dishes whenever I can. It's more environmentally friendly to do so and fancier if you ask me. That can only really happen when doing smaller types of events, but I love it. If I have about fifteen people or less coming, I go with real dishes.

But anyway. What a tangent.

I am thankful for specific paper products today. I have been sick all weekend and now creeping into the week, and I have resorted to the mighty paper towel as facial tissues and toilet paper just are not cutting it for me. I am very thankful that I have any of these three paper products in my possession, but I am most thankful for paper towels today.

Partly why I am so thankful for paper towels is that there was a time when I couldn't afford paper towels. I learned quickly when my divorce process began that paper towels are a luxury when distribution of marital resources is not equal. I didn't have paper towels for a few years but every once in awhile when I'd splurge.

Today, as I reached in pure desperation to find relief for one instead of a tissue, I recalled when I would ration them or simply go without and the gratitude overwhelmed me. I haven't begun to take paper towels for granted (just ask my kids about how I get after them for wasting them), but the thankfulness that I had some on hand was poignant.

Paper products are a wonderful luxury, and I'm thankful for how they help me live more comfortably.


  1. I'm always grateful to have been born in this time when so many things make our lives more comfortable - heating, hot water, paper towels. We rarely bought tissues when I was growing up, so I feel the same way about tissues as you do about paper towels.

    1. The things you listed are on my list too. So many more as well. Thanks for stopping by, Ramona!


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