
For the first Sunday of this month, I want to give thanks for church—for my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the ability and desire I have to attend each Sunday, and for what I receive by being part of this particular church.

I was raised LDS, or Mormon, but I haven't always followed the teachings, so to be able to write that I'm thankful for it means a lot to me. I love it. I love the people I meet. I love the leadership I've had over the years that has blessed my life. I love who I am because of the guidance I receive from the things I learn. I make my choices, as I am no robot, so that is all the more reason to love church. I know that I can choose how I want to be.

That choosing has made my life so much better over the years. I have a network of friends and helpers no matter where I've lived to be there when I need something, whether it be spiritual or temporal. I have also discovered how much I enjoy serving others because of this church. It has shaped into someone I recognize so much better than my young adult self.

What exactly do I receive from going to church? I receive so much love and care from imperfect and wonderful people. My children and I have been watched over with so much care. I personally have made friends I wouldn't have even met if we all didn't attend our church.

And you know this is just a small bit of what I'm thankful for as far as church goes. I don't know if I could do it justice in a blog actually. Who I am is able to come forth because of the gospel of Jesus Christ being an active influence in my life. I am grateful for that more than I can say.


  1. I've actually been meaning to attend a Buddhist temple on the other side of town for the last few weeks or so. I have a really hard time with mythology and spirituality in general and it seemed like a benign way to sort of dabble my way into it. My post today is about Family Band!

    1. That seems super random, but I'm glad you're getting your feet wet somehow. And I love your band!


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