
I might be jinxing myself by saying I'm grateful to feel and be so safe, but I'll say it regardless.

With so many troublesome things happening around the world, personal safety is nothing to take for granted. I can sleep at night and run errands and go to church and do whatever I need, and I have been safe for many years. This is something too many people cannot say. I don't want to go into all the many ways that people suffer in a day, but I do see how different things are for some when I am allowed to carry on in relative peace and comfort.

I give thanks to God for watching over me and my family, and my heart is comforted as I recognize how safe we have been over so many years.

1 comment:

  1. This was on the forefront of my mind as I went running last night. My roommate does not like that I go running after dark by myself but I work during the day so I don't really have much of a choice. While I usually feel quite safe while running, last night I fell to the ground and skinned my knee. How the heck, after 15 years of running, do I just spontaneously have my first crash? Anyway, I felt stupid that my roommate is worrying about murderers and here I am succumbing to a crack in the pavement. Here's my post for the day. It's about something a bit safer than running:


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