
Is it even possible to be grateful for gratitude? If anyone can do it, I can.

It's one thing to be grateful for this or that, but to be grateful when you see others' gratitude, you gain an entirely different perspective on people and life. I guess I learned about being grateful for gratitude as I have been subjected to severe lack of gratitude over the years.

You can learn much from the poor examples of other people just like learning from good examples. Seeing the absence of thankfulness has shown me where I lack gratitude and how ugly it is to be ungrateful. I don't like it in others—and especially not when it is found in myself. I work at recognizing what is being afforded me, so I won't end up looking like a fool.

Gratitude for everything and everyone around us also includes being thankful for how they react to us.

I'm thankful for the people who appreciate what I try to do for them. It gives me joy.

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