my home

Since I am currently living in my home that I speak of, I can't be sure that I don't take it for granted—or at least any particular aspect—so let us assume that I try not to.

This home that I live in right now has been such a comfort to me and such a haven for my family. My whole life has changed since I moved to this house nearly thirteen years ago. I have a child I never planned on. I am no longer married. All of my children are nearly grown up. I work outside of the home. I don't have an extensive garden anymore, but I have a lot more fruit trees. I have an office instead of a study. I am friends/good acquaintances with at least a hundred people in my neighborhood when I used to know no one at all.

My children. Man alive, they've all grown up here. The two oldest can hardly remember not living here, so that counts. Learning how to ride a bike. Learning how to read. Learning hard things. All of these and more have occurred while at this home.

So many wonderful neighbors come and gone or still here. I have so many friends now when I thought I'd never fit in. Well, I might not fit in ever! But I have friends when I couldn't see how I'd ever make new ones.

This heart of mine is burgeoning with gratitude for the blessings I have received by living in this home. I prayed to know which house to buy, and I just knew this would be the place for us—and it truly has been.

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