ice water

It's cold outside right now, but I was just thinking about how refreshing it is to have an ice cold glass of water. Not everyone in the world has access to fresh, clean water, let alone fresh, clean ice.

When I'm really thirsty, nothing hits the spot as well as ice water. Growing up in Las Vegas, I'm pretty sure this has to do with conditioning. It's so hot there most of the year, so you really get to appreciate ice and how nice it is. I remember days when I'd fill a whole giant cup to the top with an ice cube tray's worth of ice and then add water to top it off. That ice seemed to melt so quickly! But I loved having such a luxury. I remember feeling grateful back then for ice water.

Today, I hadn't drank enough water, so when I downed that drink, I remembered my childhood ice water and felt that wave of gratitude wash over me. So thankful to have always had enough and to have enough of these types of comforts in life even still.

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