my family

Saying that I'm thankful for my family is a broad statement, so I want to clarify.

I am thankful for my children. I'm thankful for all they teach me and how they help me grow as a person. I'm thankful for the opportunity and privilege I have of being their guide and teacher. I'm thankful for all the love they give to me every day.

I'm grateful for my brothers—for who they are and who they aren't and for their wives and children and all that they do to teach me and help me grow as a person. I'm grateful to be their only sister. I feel special by default.

I am grateful for my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins on both sides of my parents' families. Some of them are my friends for life and forever. I am always shown more and more how blessed I am to have such an extensive extended family with whom I associate and am familiar with.

I am thankful for my parents who brought me into this world and their parents and theirs. I'm thankful for all the sacrifice and heartache that they persevered through and overcame to get to the point that I could be raised in a home where I knew I was loved and wanted despite severe underlying problems.

I'm grateful for my future family—for grandchildren and possible husband and children from him. I have hope for that. And I'm grateful that I have hope.

I am thankful for the hope of eternity that I will see all of my family together one day, and we will no longer be apart.

I am thankful for all of my family—every single person.


  1. Replies
    1. I am grateful for you too! Thank you for taking time to read and comment. And such a kind comment at that.


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