
I went to run errands with one of my sisters-in-law, and she suggested we get some lunch. I was all for it. Who isn't up for getting some lunch after poking around a couple of stores? So anyway. We went to order, and I couldn't decide what I wanted as per usual. So I asked the person to please be sure to start another order to stall for time, and then my sister-in-law told me that she was getting my lunch. I never picked up on the fact that she had invited me and wanted to treat me to lunch!

I feel pathetic. It shows how rare it is for me to be treated to lunch. Well, that was my first reaction.

After getting over my patheticness, I now feel thankful.

I'm thankful for spur of the moment invites to do things and get lunch. All of this has caused me to consider all the times that I've taken others to lunch and they've taken me, and I am full of gratitude for the many wonderful memories I have just because of taking time to slow down at lunchtime with others.

There's just something wonderful about a midday get together, and I am thankful for all of them.


  1. In my opinion, lunch is the second-best meal of the day right after breakfast. Except, if lunch is free then it automatically is placed above a breakfast that you have to pay for. HOWEVER, if pho is what's for dinner then obviously dinner is going to be the best meal of that day. Here's my short and sweet (ha, not) gratitude post for the day

    1. I love your hierarchy! Breakfast is so good any time of day.

  2. That was really nice of her.


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