quilts and other blankets of great worth

Most people I know have at least one special blanket in their family. It could be a quilt or an afghan or some store-bought thing that has become special for whatever reason.

I grew up with special blankets. My mom made our special blankets, and I still have a few of them. My children also have special blankets, quilts, that I made. My method of making a quilt is novice at best, but with the help of my mother's sewing machine, I made quilts! One of my children, the youngest, still is waiting on his special quilt from mom—only close to four years later than the rest of the kids—but whatever. Hopefully I will get it finished in time for Christmas or his birthday. You know, you people ought to pray for me that I'll be able to get it done. I know it would be special to him.

So I just digressed like a champ. Back to my quilts and blankets of great worth that I'm thankful for. The quilts I have from my mother's handiwork and the afghans she crocheted, all give me comfort since she's been gone. When I miss her, I can put on a movie and grab one of these wonderful blankets and almost feel her with me.

And my dad, he loved those scratchy Mexican blankets, and he had a couple of purple ones that I have, so when I miss him, I can grab that and remember him sitting in his recliner, drinking Dr Pepper or Sprite in latter years, and watching some show or taking a nap. I sure miss him and his stories.

I'm thankful for the quilts and afghans and Mexican blankets in my life. They get me through some days.


  1. Oh I LOVE a good blanket. And a good blanket made by someone you love is even more the greater. I am 100% on board with this post. Here is my gratitude for the day http://joolimammoth.blogspot.com/2017/11/grateful-for-unexpected-adventures.html#more


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