new carpet

My house is getting older, and it still has the original flooring throughout. That wouldn't be so bad if the people who built the place had chosen high-end stuff, but they didn't. This means that the flooring has been in dire need of replacement for at least a few years if not longer.

When my family home sold this summer, I set aside some of the money, so we could the new flooring, and man alive, it has been quite the project. And you know what else? Holy cow, carpet is expensive. And all the other things you need to buy for all the other flooring to get done—just wow. I can hardly believe how expensive everything is. I didn't set aside quite enough money, so now, I'm having to cut back on other home repair projects, even halt some, and see how it will all pan out. I'm thinking this Christmas is going to be something along the lines of, "We got flooring for Christmas. Be grateful," but that's alright—we will have new flooring.

But the carpet is getting replaced. I know it will help with our allergy issues to get a fresh start in this area, and I am looking forward to feeling like we aren't just using up the place but investing in keeping it nice.

I am thankful for being able to get this carpet project going and done, and I hope it's complete before Thanksgiving. I am on track for it so long as I can get my books all packed off the shelves in time. I don't even know how I feel about doing that, but the guy said I had to.

1 comment:

  1. Ah I almost forgot to cross-post today! I was wondering why you guys were with Grandma and Grandpa- its the carpets! Here's my slightly TMI post for the day


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