people who actually love me

I've been told by many people that they love me; however, it is debatable if all who profess it actually do.

I don't need for the whole world to love me. All I need are my children and any few souls who recognize my divine worth, value my gifts and talents,  and don't stop to make sure I know how much they have to endure to "love" me. I am human. Like everyone else. I don't know what causes others to put this magical yardstick against me that somehow gives them the right to reject and judge me with clear consciences, but I am so done with that garbage.

So today, I'd like to offer my everlasting gratitude to the select few who truly see me for who I am and love me regardless, in spite of that, and/or entirely because of it.

Another thing I'm grateful for is that people, whether they actually love me or only profess it, know they can tell me like it is, and I'll totally take all of it to heart.


  1. "I don't know what causes others to put this magical yardstick against me that somehow gives them the right to reject and judge me with clear consciences, but I am so done with that garbage." <-- This is one of my favorite things I've ever seen you right. 100% Truth.

    My post for today:


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