singing with the choir

Since I was a young girl, I have sang in the church choir off and on. It has been part of the best times of my life from a little girl, teenager, young adult, and now in my not young but not old stage. It means so much to me actually.

I've noticed how thankful I am to be able to sing at all since the past several years I've had ear and throat and therefore voice issues. I couldn't hear my pitch for several months before I had a tonsillectomy, and then I just haven't been the same since that surgery. I am sure I'm losing my singing voice, but I hope that by continuing to sing in the choir despite my cracking at times voice, I will hang onto something I love a little longer.

I don't know what I'll do when I can't sing anymore, but until then, I'll just be glad and grateful that my voice holds out for me most of the time still. I love to sing, and I'm thankful for being part of something like church choir that brings the spirit of God closer to the hearts of those who will listen.


  1. Okay I was totally going to write about choirs today too but had to change my plans when I saw this post. We must be on a connected gratitude brain wave! Yours was better than mine though so I'm glad you posted yours first :D

    What I posted instead:


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