quiet friendship

I'm not sure if I can describe what I mean by quiet friendship, but I shall try because it means so much to me.

Quiet friendship is a type and quality of friendship when grand gestures are unnecessary, understanding prevails, and lovingkindness surrounds whether near or far. That doesn't mean grand gestures don't happen. It certainly doesn't mean that there is never a misunderstanding. And at times things can be less than lovingly kind.

But what that definition does mean is that those fine qualities can be counted on whether rain or shine, near or far, busy or together. This type of friendship doesn't feel like work even though it can take work to keep it healthy. It feels like pure love and peace when life is going smooth. It feels like God's hands keeping you afloat when life is breaking you down. It feels like service and joy when you are needed.

Quiet friendship in its full definition has been offered to me from a few family members and a few friends in my life, and I am thankful for every time I am able to recognize in them what gift they just gave me.

Do you give/receive quiet friendship?

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