
Devotion. Now, there's a word you don't think about or use often. It actually threw me off-guard the other day when someone I was talking with described me as "funny," "smart," and "devoted." The funny part threw me off first because most people don't get my sense of humor. It's so dry that I have to explain myself most of the time. And then I don't kid around often, so there's that too. People are like, "Why are you trying to be funny?" and "What's wrong?" Not really, but it feels like that.

So anyway, back to devoted. I was blown away and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. I have pondered a ton of questions such as: Am I devoted? How am I devoted? What am I devoted to? What do I do that would make him think that of me? And as I have thought about each question in turn, I realize that the person is right. I am a devoted type of individual. I am a devoted friend, mother, teacher, neighbor, aunt, sister, and when I have a boyfriend or spouse, I am a devoted that too.

Now the question that I wonder now is Why am I so devoted? What is it about my make up that causes me to naturally respond in my various roles with devotion? I don't really know since it's about myself, so I wonder if anyone reading this might offer some thoughts on the subject.

Let's overthink this gorgeous treasure of a word together. 


  1. Not knowing you, but reading your slice, I think you may have been given the compliment of being "devoted" because when you tackle something...a project, a relationship, a job, etc. you are "all in." I also think of devotion as doing something faithfully even when it gets challenging. Does this describe you? A penny for your thoughts! This is from as the system won't let me comment using my wordpress. Maybe you need to check that all of your sharing is turned on? Thanks for the slice!

  2. I can only write about how I know you, through your blog. From that I can tell you are devoted to writing your blog. From that I can tell you are a devoted teacher. You share so much positive that is going on with students in your classes. I enjoy reading it too. I'm not nearly as devoted as you, I don't regularly post. I don't regularly comment on others' posts. So I can speak to your devotion, you display a true devotion.

    1. Your words really helped me see even more areas where this word fits me. I appreciate the contrasting elements that you shared to help me see I fit this quality.

  3. I like what Anonymous said about devotion being "all in" - as a teacher, writer, mother - it is what many of us become over time. I think it goes with the word passionate. We care and so we hang in there and do all we can. An interesting thought for the day!

    1. I like that idea of pairing it up with passionate! Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.

  4. "Let's overthink this gorgeous treasure of a word together" is an example of devotion in action. You invite us into the journey with you-- not that the journey is about you, but about the *word*. So, you love words-- you're devoted to them? You love to play with thinking-- devoted to it, perhaps? (The thinking and the playing.) And "together"-- so much more lovely to think and play with others than to attempt it on one's own. It makes devotion sound like a pretty good way to approach living, if I don't say so myself.

    1. Ha! I never thought about being devoted to words, but seriously, that is so me! It's like you totally know me with all of these thoughts you've shared. I like your last like about it being a good way to approach living. I will think about that one some more.

  5. First, I think this may be the first time I've visited your blog. I'm going to take a slightly different approach to your question and think about what devotion is not. Devotion is not fickle. It is not an "oh well" attitude when a lesson goes awry or a student responds in ways we teachers fail to anticipate. Devotion is not looking away from challenges, nor is it an absence of goals and objectives. Devotion is not an absence of faith in people, and in the case of teachers, educational institutions. When I'm not sure how to explain something, especially in terms of someone I don't know, I like to think of what it's not.

    1. What a great angle to take. I wouldn't have thought of looking at what it is not. Life changing. I really appreciate you visiting and sharing such an insightful approach to understanding things.

  6. This made me think of the one little word activity I did with my students. No one chose that word, but I loved what you had to say. And now as I go to sleep it makes me think about all the things that I am devoted to. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I'm surprised it didn't remind me of that too. I wonder if my word 'compassion' fits in with devotion. Maybe I'll work on writing about that!

  7. A bit of word-nerd digging leads me to this synonymous phrase for 'devoted': zealously dedicated. Do those lexical shoes feel like they fit?

    1. Love this! The breakdown and the concept of lexical shoes. Fabulous. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Devoted is a treasure of a word. I think of it very differently from devotion which I tend to think of as a daily act of connecting with God. However, devotions might be a way to show that one is devoted. From reading your blog fairly regularly, I can tell that your devotion guides your steps whether it be to God, your family, your friends, or your career.


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