This Phoenix Speaks

Seven years in the making, my first published book, This Phoenix Speaks, is now a reality.

The tireless and tiring work invested to make the feat happen is absolutely incalculable. The pure love invested to make one of my dreams come true is even more so. But I did it. I showed myself I could accomplish something I had held in my mind as a dream, a far off dream, for too long.

To everyone who has read my work here and offered encouragement and feedback and support for my continued writing, you are part of my success. Without the readership on this blog (where I hold my draft writing) and your loyalty and comments, I do not know if I would have had the courage to keep writing and write what I have—let alone do this book.

Next month will be a full seven years since I began this journey in earnest, and it just feels pretty lucky. I think we might even need to do a giveaway to celebrate! I'll work on the details and get back with you!

Now about how to make this book do its job, it's quite straightforward actually. People need to purchase it and read it and share it and review it.

Some ideas in case you want some involve social media. I'm quite keen on seeing the hashtag #ThisPhoenixSpeaks alongside #bookstagram or even #booksofinstagram. I think I'd pretty much freak out with joy if someone other than myself tagged me on that kind of thing. On Twitter, mention me (@th_purpl_lady) in any blog reviews, and I'll share your links and even feature them on Facebook if you give a pleasant review. The Facebook page ( welcomes your reviews, interactions, and such as well. When I think about it, reviews on Goodreads sound like a very good idea. So many ways to show your support. It's exciting!

That's a great deal of work too. Books are major work. Reminds me of raising children and the saying "it takes a village." It'll take immeasurable love and support to keep this dream alive—and it's all something I cannot do for myself. That's where all of you come in. If you'd buy my book and spread the word, you will be part of the next stage of my success as a writer and the poet I aspire to be. Just choose any mode of support you'd like, and it will be simply perfect.

I don't have high connections or a lot of money. But I have all of you. That will be enough for me.

Purchase This Phoenix Speaks on Amazon


  1. You are amazing!! 💜💜💜

  2. Hos exciting to see all of your hard work begin to pay off! Congratulations!

  3. What an accomplishment! Congratulations.

  4. Congratulations. Definitely a celebration of joy!

    1. It's really such a joyful time for me. Thank you!

  5. Congratulations! I know just how much works goes into writing and publishing a book. :)

    P.S. I am a new Slicer. I posted my very first Slice of Life on my blog. :)

    A Turtle is a Boy's Best Friend


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