in the midst of goodness

These past few weeks with Christmas and the new year, I have been around so many good people. Many kind and generous acts have transpired. What I like most about it all is how I got to witness not lone acts, but manifestations of good character. Such a celebration of Jesus's birth has been had.

Joy filled my home as my children worked to give and share with each other. Happy smiles as packages were opened and outings were had. Friendly tones, supportive thoughts and prayers, and peaceful interactions abounded. I want to point out that it wasn't really about the gifts or outings though. The good hearts that thought to say and do and feel are the motivator for all the tools that were used to invite joy into our home and hearts.

I was feeling so pleased with how our Christmastime went, but then a friend came over the other day to hang out for a bit. I was telling her about all that my oldest son did for our family for Christmas. Her response shed more light on how we were able to experience such a joyful holiday time. She was smiling and so proud of how my son stepped up in ways we haven't had in our lives for a long time, and she pointed it out. The way she put it was so simple and matter-of-fact that I couldn't believe I hadn't realized what a profound thing we all shared this year because of one person picking up some slack and even being so completely good to everyone around him that all we could do was be gladdened.

To have such neighbors is something I won't take for granted either. To be loved and appreciated so much that she could see his good heartedness, not just seeing the gifts, is a true gift. And she's one of many truly caring people who I am in their midst. Such goodness surrounds me wherever I am. 


  1. Wonderful celebration of goodness! So glad that your eldest stepped up for the family and that you are surrounded by caring people. It's the best gift ever!

  2. I do not know our son in real life; however, I know how he makes you proud and how his good heart is evident to those who meet him. I smiled as I read this because what I know of him through your words assures me he is the real gift!

  3. Good neighbors make the world go round.

  4. Goodness surrounds and brings joy-what a heartfelt thought.


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