let's see

I'm letting you in
Even though fear is here
It's because my dreams
Won't leave me alone

You've been a guest in my head
For awhile now
I've set you aside off and on
But it just won't do

To keep pushing you to the back
Is only keeping you
Where you don't belong
When my heart is trying to bring you in

Reeling you in
Like a fish on a hook
Is not how it will be
But I wonder how it will

How will our hearts
Connect more than
They are already
In new ways with new memories

Will we allow ourselves
To open up this door
A little more
Than it is already

Will we burn down
The old within and let new in
To build on a song
We've known for years

I can't get you out of my head
In dreams, in songs
Kissing the thought
Of together with these words

If you'll let me in
I'll let you in more
Than I have already
And we will see where this all goes

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