a piece of peace

amidst the cutting
of this fabric
the sewing
of something new
when those who I
thought would assist
did not
would not
could not
should not
exhaustion pulled down
the curtain
put its foot down
and said
no more
allotting a piece
of peace
for me
although I did
not ask for it
yet the wish
to be done
didn't come true
blessed rest
slowed it all down
stopped me
gave me permission to
stop thinking and
working and
pushing through
until it starts again


  1. Very thought provoking this Sunday afternoon. Thank you for your prose! "Those who I thought would assist did not..." really resonated with me this week also. Whether you meant it this way or not, people let us down. Sounds like you just keep going until exhaustion takes over. Me, too. Welcome your rest. Reboot and go again. Good luck with your slices this month also!

  2. The tempo of the piece feels like a lullaby. I think my own eyelids are heavy now. I can never fall asleep in a chair though. All napping happens in my bed.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That picture is wonderful!

  5. These lines resonant with me:
    gave me permission to
    stop thinking and
    working and
    pushing through


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