on my last nerve

Why are narcissists even a thing? Seriously. Why? What goes so wrong that only the self is driving a person?

Being on guard for the games played by a narcissist can really wear down a person. The thing that keeps me from totally losing it with people like this is understanding how letting them get on my last nerve is what they want. So I've learned to step back, take a breath (or ten), and look for where I can put up a cushion of relief from the onslaught. It seems to work most of the time, and I am thankful for that.

I wonder if anyone else has ideas for how to be patient with/protect oneself from narcissistic people. I'm up for suggestions!


  1. Taking a breath or two is a great way to step back and hold your own.

  2. I think that you are right on track by taking deep breaths and later writing about it.


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