big-time dreams

It doesn't happen all the time, but dreams can become reality.

I've written about this somewhat already, but I woke up this morning in a reflective mood, pondering how I've been able to achieve many wonderful things despite the odds against me. I also was ruminating over how I don't have any big-time connections, but somehow I still am connected to people who have helped me along my way.

I think I'm just not a big-time sort of person, and that's okay. A main goal in life for me is to find ways to help others, which I am pretty big-time at that. I mess things up sometimes still, but I know I make a difference more often than not. And that feels pretty big-time to me.

When I catch myself wondering if I have any dreams come true, I'll look at this photograph and read these words, and hopefully, I'll be able to revel in it all and stop wondering.


  1. Sometimes the quietest of persons can make the biggest impact on the people s/he comes in contact with. I think we all have those moments when we wonder if we have achieved anything with our lives. That is when we need to top and take stock. It is amazing what we have done.

  2. This a great slice. We can't and shouldn't have to be THE BEST or have the greatest change on people. Just do what makes you happy. And you will find that you achieve some dreams on the way. I wish we could spread the message that you are enough when you feel good about trying to achieve the dreams.

  3. Congrats!! 💜💜💜


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