
I'm so cold right now. I do this weird thing where if I "catch a chill," as I tend to call it, I stay cold for a long time. It takes extraordinary efforts to warm up. So I've begun to embrace herbal tea. I'm not a fan of tea really, but some mint or peach chamomile to warm myself on the inside can make a real difference.

As I type, I can't stop thinking about how my toes are cold and my nose is cold and I just wish I weren't so cold right now.


  1. A detail to look back on later; does this reaction to cold persist in years to come? Will you be a lover of herbal tea as a result? Love the picture you included; I could imagine cold hands wrapping themselves around the warm mug.

  2. Hope you warmed up. I find tea soothing. It’s nice when you find something that works for you.


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