keeping in touch

Our fast paced lives don't allow for much personal touch. We have so much going on that if you aren't right there in someone's path, you might not see them for years—or ever again. It seems like the sound waves of their voice might never touch your face again.

Mail is something that eases the strain of missing people though. It is a tangible thing you can hold in your hands and read again and again. You can glide your fingertips across where their fingertips were. You can see the care they send.

When I received this card in the mail on the night of my book launch party, it was the next best thing to having this special guest there in person. And the thoughtfulness in getting it put in the mail with such impeccable timing is something worthy of praise. This piece of mail added something magical that couldn't have been in attendance otherwise.

Getting handwritten mail is becoming a thing of the past, but I hope I never stop sending or receiving it. The connection it offers is invaluable to me.

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