light bringers

Thinking about light right now, its presence and absence, and I immediately consider the people who bring it. 

You know, there are just some people who, no matter what's going on, light up your day with a word or a smile. Their presence makes life better. Their absence does the opposite. They simply have something about them that lifts your spirits. I wonder if I'm ever that person for others. I can be so hard on myself that I don't dare say I am one, but I can always hope that I make a positive difference shining my light as brightly as I can and do as a teacher, mother, friend, sister, neighbor, and so on. Being part of the light in people's lives is invaluable to me. 

A couple of questions to ponder: 
Who are the people who bring light for you? Are you a light bringer? 

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  1. I agree--the choices we make throughout the day can bring light to others (or take it away). This challenge has been an opportunity to bring light for me. I'm an instructional coach, and I offered the Classroom Slice of Life Challenge to all classrooms. I was overwhelmed by the positive response, and we now have over a hundred participants. It's been fun to see kids light up when they see me, because it reminds them to write--and they are enjoying it so much. It's a great writer-to-writer connection across the building.

  2. Im a bit of a glsss is half empty gal, but I do try to keep things positive in my classroom. Students who bring a positive vibe to the room w/ their happy-go-lucky attitudes make that easier.

    I have a feeling you bring lots of light to those around you.

  3. It's surprisingly difficult to focus on and project the positive things in this world. It's so easy to dwell on the negative and even sometimes fun to try and put other people's light out to match your own mood. Not a good thing to do, but misery loves company. You are one of the most energetic people I've ever met in my life. Your fire is at a roar when most people's is at a hum. Positive or negative your sheer power is a force to be reckoned with and I respect the heck out of it.

    Here's my slice for the day:

  4. You always bring the light with you. 💜


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