
I've not kept my struggles too much of a secret here, but I want to share a slice more.

Life has been tough financially because of the way the divorce went—to say the least. And so I'm trying to find ways to dig my way out of this fog of constant financial worry. I don't want to be a beggar forever. I want to go places and help others and be more free to get old and take care of myself.

Long story short (because this is a slice, not a book), I shared my needs with a friend, and she went out and rallied her troops to come help me. There will be people helping me who I do not know because of her generous heart. I feel anxious about strangers helping, but at the same time, the blessing that this is, the answer to prayers that this is, cannot be ignored.

I am completely humbled and thankful and in awe that someone would tap into their network to help me.

I'll probably write a follow up slice about how it goes. We shall see…

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  1. I love reading posts from the heart. What an amazing friend! Your Slice reminds me that there are so many people out there just waiting to help. Good luck!

  2. Ask and it shall be given, even when you're not intentionally asking. Those are the best kinds of friends.


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