no games

Do you ever want to slice about something, but you don't all at the same time? I wonder if I just write this much, and you will get my meaning. 

My life is as free of game-playing as I can muster, yet I keep on getting shoved back into the game no matter what I do to stay out. It's just so irritating. Kind of like this superbly vague slice of life I've been writing. 

I can't stand it when other people go off on these rants that are so vague no one knows what they are reading/supporting/rejecting. It's pathetic. Well—call me pathetic, I guess. And a hypocrite. haha. 

I'm just worn out by it all, but I don't want to say so much that I tattoo these feelings onto my heart. I'm all done with that mess, and that's what I'm entirely in charge of. No more games with this heart if I can help it. 

Also, sorry about being pathetically vague! 

Now available on Amazon: Purchase This Phoenix Speaks today! 


  1. In answer to the question you pose, yes. I can think of several rants I want to have, but I worry I’ll regret my words. Maybe that’s why your vagueness here goesnt bother me, although vague posts w/ out a rationale for thevagueness do bother me. Hope tomorrow is better.

    1. Your words comfort me! I am less irritated with myself. Thank you!

  2. Kudos to you for being done with game playing and trying to refrain from saying words you might later regret. Hoping this day will find you with renewed solace and support.


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