praying for home

I caught myself praying last night to feel at home where I am. It's been like a shelter but surrounded by all my favorite things and people—just in piles every where.

Couldn't that be a metaphor for life too?

Feeling so out of place and alone that you never feel at home. That's something affecting more and more people. We don't have to feel like that though. It's mostly self-sabotage and misperception if you ask me. I understand because I catch myself in that mode—kind of like catching myself praying about needing to feel at home. If we pay attention to ourselves, introspect, we can catch a whole lot of stuff we do and do something to make life better.

I don't want to have piles of disconnected, unorganized junk in my life anymore. I want my actions to have purpose and focus, so we can be unified and more at ease when there's a moment to breathe after the running around is done.

I want to know where my keys will hang when I'm home. I want a place for my toaster and broom and the piles of laundry. I want to be able to find what I'm looking for without tears or frustration. I want to know home and stay there for a long while.


  1. Love these wise words at the end of your reflection: "I want to know home and stay there for a long while."

  2. You'll feel it - you really will.


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