elegant warrior

It doesn't take much time to notice
She made her way through life with grace
And a keen determination
To have a life she loved

Paying her price like the rest of us
She worked her way through
Taking the good times and the bad
Coming at life, quietly triumphant

That special way about her
That way she loved you
No matter how long it had been
No matter what was going on

She'd tell you like it is
She'd tell you the hard truth
Showing you who you are and are meant to be
Sharing a glimpse of generations gone before

Her long memory served us all
With stories and memories and joy
She gave pieces of the past as gifts
To cherish like golden treasure

With heavy yet glad heart, we see her on her way
To freedom from her aged frame
To be with loved ones long lost now found
We weep for earth's loss of an elegant warrior

This beautiful, persistent, long-suffering
Warrior Queen
Carved out a beautiful life
Where love reigned supreme

It's a comfort to share the joy of someone's life
And how they brought us all together
It's a comfort to know how to be
Because they made sure to set the path before us before they leave

An example of family and loyalty and love
Let us look to her life well lived
And see where we've come from
And where are headed on our journey toward heaven above

And watch for when we are all together again.

For Aunt Mona.

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