
This past month, I spent a couple of Sundays volunteering, so adult special needs residents at a state facility could attend church. Due to confidentiality laws, I can't really tell you all that went on, but I do want to share my thoughts surrounding the experience.

The first Sunday, there was a four-to-one ratio of volunteers to residents. Quite a sight to see. So much love and helping others. It was special. And then this second Sunday that I just attended, not so many people came to volunteer. And I began to consider how much I would hope others would volunteer if my special needs daughter outlives my ability to care for her and I need to seek help like at this facility.

My daughter loves music and singing and socializing in her way at church. She is so good that she doesn't need church for the same reasons most people do. But she loves it. It is something she can count on each week. I can't imagine her not being able to go just because not enough people volunteered or there was such a staff shortage that they couldn't leave the campus. My daughter deserves to have happiness even if I'm not around to facilitate or advocate for it.

Maybe I'm worrying too much about things I can't change. Maybe so. But it was all such a time for reflection to put myself in their shoes and see just how valuable a two-hour outing to church can be for some individuals. And they don't even need church like most people. They are so amazingly good. It showed me how everyone needs church for different reasons.

Maybe, if I start just a thought or some conversation about this worry, more people will reach out to give some time to the people who can't go places unless they have our help. Maybe I will remind myself to keep on finding ways to make my daughter's life better. Maybe I will find some comfort from my worries.

1 comment:

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