poetry top ten 2018

Every year, I round up all the stats for what you, my wonderful readership, have enjoyed the most throughout the previous year. And, every year, it brings me such surprise. Some poems were absolutely taxing to write, yet I felt as if I needed to put forth the effort, and then I see how it reaches some people, and I understand why. Something I loved about this year is that a haiku made it in. So wonderful.

As always, I am thankful for you. Having readers who support my writing proves to me that poetry is not dead no matter what some people might say. I look forward to sharing more of my inspiration with you in this new year, 2019.


Top Ten Poems for 2018:

1. Lost

2. The Crack of Noon

3. Let's See

4. A West Texas Boy

5. Where I Live Now

6. Their Love

7. Never Thought

8. Treasured Relics

9. A Piece of Peace

10. slipped

Honorable Mention: Elegant Warrior

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