what I notice

Letting myself feel again 
To think and feel and dream again
Takes me to the edge of the ledge 
Of love and adoration
And I can hardly breathe 
For the air is thin up here
I forgot how affection can 
And does
Take your breath away
I almost forgot how to let myself 
Be cared about with earnestness
Sincerity comes in many forms
But gladly given affection is 
The silver lining, the cherry on top, treasure untold

I notice how my heart is happier
Now that you are where you are
Close to me, even closer than before
And flowers seem to be blooming 
Even in winter, in spite of winter, smiling
All around me 
I see the world with a warmth
I nearly forgot how to see
Because of you, dear 
I notice how even friendship can be
And is quite 
Delicious to me
I notice you noticing me
And I adore it 

1 comment:

  1. You perfectly captured your feelings! I'm happy for you. Nice poem!


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