
A blank slate of a day ahead of us—a lovely unplanned day
Quietly taking shape as the hours turn to afternoon
With the sun cutting the winter air in half and half again
As it warms the sidewalks and then the street beneath our feet
Walking and talking and sitting and laughing
Driving and listening and wishing
For a clean slate road like the one we found today
A little rough in patches but not so bad when you look ahead

Blue skies and lovely water lapping the marshy edges
Perfect in its imperfection
Showing me how relaxing is done
Giving me a change of pace as I take a second glance
Looking down the lane
I see a joyful road ahead of me—with you


  1. Unplanned day, blue sky, relaxing - blissful.

  2. I felt myself relaxing as I read on. Your picture added to the mood you aptly created

  3. "Perfect in its imperfection
    Showing me how relaxing is done"
    My favorite lines are these along with your last line!

  4. A clean slate... perfect. You brought us right into the moment.

  5. There is a lot of movement in the hours, sidewalk, road, and lane, and yet there is also a sense of stillness. Lovely.

  6. "With the sun cutting the winter air in half and half again" What a great line! And the last line, so moving! Thank you for this lovely piece!

  7. Your poem is filled with beautiful imagery and wisdom: "Perfect in its imperfection
    Showing me how relaxing is done."


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