every single day

I don't know how I'm going to do it.

I've been saying that every year for the past seven (now eight) years of participating in the Slice of Life Story Challenge. Yet this year, it seems even more true than ever before because I haven't been writing like I normally do, like not even close to half of what I normally do. And I can't stand it. I can't even go into the why of it all actually, so it's even more problematic!

But here we are, starting an every-single-day writing challenge I've been doing since 2012, and I just don't want to stop. Some of my best writing comes from these days where I don't know what to write or how I will write. I just write and keep going, and it shows me I can write so much. I can do this thing.

I am afraid I might forget to write too. There have been issues with my memory, which will explain partly why I haven't been writing as much, but I am going to set alarms on my phone, I think, because this experience is valuable to me, and I want to see if I can do it even with all the obstacles.

I don't know how well I'll do this year since I have been slacking off so badly, but here goes nothing…


  1. Good luck. Day 1 is always the worst. Heres to your 8th year.

  2. Looking forward to reading and writing alongside you. I think many of us are nervous this year. Perhaps we always are st first.

    1. I'm nervous clear until the last day! haha. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I am in a similar situation. My 8th year (although one year I did not come close to completing the challenge) and I should have a little more time.....I'm "part time" these days.....but I am not sure I can do it...yet I SO WANT to do it....Like you, it is always the month of my best writing and my clearest thinking.....SO LIKE YOU,I'm going to try...and write ...and

    1. Anita, we will make it through. It might get ugly, but we can do it! :)


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