a slice of pie

Not sure how it came about, but whenever I think about pie, I think about so many people: my mom at Thanksgiving, random dates after late-night dancing, my friend Evan and an impromptu movie, and my best friend.

Pie isn't anything special really, yet it has become a source of joy as I stop to think about all the times in my life when pie was the center of attention, the catalyst for the best memories, and even sometimes a stand-in for the comfort I needed.

Pecan pie and Dutch apple pie are reminders of my parents. Random single slices at random restaurants remind me of the slew of random first and second and third post-dance dates that were fun—most of the time. Cream pies remind me of Evan. Well, and also berry pie, but that's because he likes it. And Marie Callender's pies—frozen or fresh from the restaurant—remind me of my best friend and our pie parties we started doing some years back when we get together with our children.

Maybe all of that makes pie special. Maybe I've been taking pie for granted all this time. Maybe I need to have pie more often.


  1. I love when food reminds of us people. I have so many wonderful memories of my Oma and the food we ate at her house.

  2. Isn't it fun to find those small things in life that bring one's self extra joy? Looks like there's a special day for you in the near future, March 14, 3/14, pie day:) Hope you have something extra special planned for that day!

  3. Marie Callender's -!! Just last night my family had the Dutch apple straight form the oven,topped with Ben & Jerry's Cinnamon Buns ice cream ... in a word, decadent ... if anyone wants to argue that pie isn't life, they can't argue that it's LIVING! (And that photo is amazing).


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