good dates

Defining what a good date means can be tricky. A good date can be had by all, but not all dates are created equal. Also, personal taste comes into play when trying to make a list to end all lists of really good dates. Maybe we need to figure out the building blocks first in order to come up with a solid list.

A few building blocks of a good date include personal taste, an agreeable time of day for the situation, weather as a factor, and considering how well you know the person. These all are part of the subjectivity really, but it's something to think about. These aspects aside, I believe there are some dates that can be fun no matter what, and those are what I think make for truly good dates. Some of the list will have ideas I've never tried but seem like they'd be good.

This Good Dates list I am about to share is not ranked or all inclusive. I seriously want to hear from you people what you think should go on this list. Let's see what we come up with!

Good Dates

Lunch dates
Dessert only dates
Crossword puzzles
Trying a new restaurant neither has been to before
Board games at home
Favorite books scavenger hunt at the local library
Round of golf or just the driving range
Short hikes or long hikes if that's both your thing
Name That Tune while driving in the car to/from
Art museums
Going for a drive up the nearby canyon or highway if you don't have canyons
Walks downtown
Comedy shows
People watching at a mall
Drive-in movies
Playing pool
Local theatre productions
Batting cages
Swinging on the swings at a park (during off hours when not many children are at play)
Live music events
Cooking together
The classic picnic in the park

If you don't believe me on the last one, just try turning it into a kissing game, and it's actually the ultimate date. Trust me.


  1. I have never done a puzzle that ended up with kissing (!) but your list is fabulous and reminds me that my husband and I need some good "dates" and not just "run to Target and get milk together" or "have a calendar meeting". I especially love swinging on swings and playing Name That Tune. Thanks for the list and wishing you many many good dates!

  2. So much goes into this list. Every day could be different. Sometimes just dinner and time to reconnect and sometimes doing something, ANYTHING, except hanging around at home. Puzzles? I will have to try that one.

  3. ooooh Laura has a boyfriend :D :D :D

    Date ideas:
    Drawing pictures with your eyes closed
    Decide that you want to play a game that you don't own then make it together and play it
    Play indoor soccer in your basement
    Cook together (preferably breakfast for dinner)
    Take turns throwing marshmallows at each other's faces and try to catch them in your mouth
    Go to a dancing lesson together
    Go to a playground at night and play on every piece of equipment
    Play MASH together
    Show each other your favorite youtube videos
    Do the 36 questions that lead to love
    Take turns giving each other massages ;)

  4. My husband has learned to love puzzles because I think it’s so much fun to do together! Watching cat fail videos on YouTube, cooking together, rub eachothers feet, oh man there’s a lot! Apple orchards, berry picking, pumpkin patches availability depending! Great list! Thank you for sharing!!!


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