a day out

Saturdays are for adventure and work and fun and catching up. This Saturday, I did a little of everything.

Taking care of my children was one thing. Then, I went with a friend to the temple and had a wonderful time, of course. Cleaning house was one thing I set aside a bit, but that's okay every once in awhile when you need a break. I took myself to the movies to see The Green Book and was pleasantly surprised. I had no idea what it was about, but it was showing when I could go matinee and still get luxury seating. I took my softest blanket too, so I squeezed every last bit of fun out of that outing. Then I visited one of my sisters-in-law to pick up a special surprise for someone not yet disclosed to the public. Then I got home. I was out all day from early until late. I am exhausted.

It's crazy how much you can pack into a day and still do more.

I proceeded to load the dryer and then the washer and laid out my pajamas. I am taking time to write right now instead of procrastinating, so I can have a nice sabbath. And then, I am going to take a bath with candles burning and wind so far down I hope to sleep for ten hours. I deserve to. My brain has been waking me up way before I am rested or even need to get up!

It was a happy, very good day.


  1. Lovely descriptions of a lovely day!

  2. We learn a lot about you through your selection of details. I'm also curious to learn more as a reader (special surprise, a blanket at the movies).

  3. Happy days are good days. Glad you had one.

  4. You were able to fit home, family, friends, entertainment, chores, and self-care in one day. I am happy that you had a very good happy day, and I wish you many ore of those!

  5. Wow, a busy day. Love how you managed to squeeze in that cozy blanket and a relaxing bath in the middle of all that buzyness. Hope you also squeezed in that ten hours of sleep.

  6. Your day sounds like day filled with little bits of joy sprinkled throughout. I envy your long night of sleep...

  7. I just love the happiness bursting from this piece. I hope those 10 hours of sleep found you!


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