not sure what to write

I am trying to think of something to write, and I am at a loss. Seriously, a loss. I went through my photographs to prompt some memories that I could focus on to slice about, and I feel no inspiration at all. But then I saw this one, and I thought I might take a moment to express the love I have for my family. I have so much going on right now, and I have so many people I miss right now. Yet if I take a minute to ponder the beauty of holier things, I am comforted. Isn't life absolutely breathtaking? All the problems and trouble and joys and beauty. All of it takes our collective breath away in one way or another. As I look on this photo, I am reminded of my roots and all the people who love me. My roots in Las Vegas and trips to St. George and fried chicken. Yes, I said fried chicken. We used to get KFC on the way back home when we'd take a trip through St. George. It was so good. Such good times with my family. Family is everything.

While I started off not knowing what to write, I've written a whole lot of disjointed thoughts, but I wrote, so I am happy. I went down so many happy memory lanes all in one short slice.


  1. For not knowing what to write about sure did a good job! You got me thinking about family and Holier things,too. I think that one night this weekend calls for KFC for you and the family!

    1. KFC sounds so perfect! Thanks for stopping by. <3

  2. I don't see your thoughts as disjointed; I interpret them as coming from a place of gratitude for the gifts of life and family. There's indeed a holiness in that. And the photo is so beautiful!

  3. Beautiful sentence and thought: "Yet if I take a minute to ponder the beauty of holier things, I am comforted." I have read several posts on Friday of people feeling empty and not knowing what to write. The same was with me. Yet, we all wrote. Each of us found our own source of inspiration.


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