so thankful

That's me. Sideways.

Follow up from yesterday's slice…

All looks well. The doctor said it looks to be an infection, and it should all go away within three weeks. If it doesn't, we will do a biopsy then.

But seriously did you hear that part about it most likely not being cancer?

I had made myself so sick with worry.  Don't get me wrong. I kept myself very busy with work, and I said my prayers, and everything. But my brain is working overtime when there's any problem, so my subconscious was cranking out the heartburn like a champ. I was sure I would throw up if I got bad news.

The moment we left the doctor's office, I felt a weight lifting from me, and then we stopped by Costco of all random places to catch up with my friend before he had to go to work, and I got a few good hugs in, etc. and felt even more relief after that.

At this point, I am feeling the strain of the day, and I could sleep for like a week if it were possible. But this is just so wonderful to have such good news, and I am so thankful, so very thankful.

I appreciate everyone who had their breath held and prayers said in our behalf. I am so thankful for you too. Your kind words helped me get through this day more than you know.


  1. Good news, especially good news like this, is worthy of celebration! I'm doing a round of applause with a muted audience "woooooohoooooo" from my desk. Sending you more hugs and care as you enter into a new day with less tension and hopefully less heartburn (ouch)! All my best to you.

  2. Wonderful! So great to hear that you received good news! Enjoy today in a much more relaxed environment.

  3. Yay, I was hoping to catch this update... glad it is good news!


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