
What do you keep on shelves?

My first thought is for all of my books and movies. Then I think about my collectible mugs and other knick knacks. I also think about the clocks and pens and stickers lying in piles on the window sill and other shelf-like places around my home.

Dishes and other housewares are piled on shelves in my kitchen cupboards. These are a different type of shelf though. They get paid attention to on the daily.

Then I think about my heart. I put it on a shelf a few years ago because I was too afraid to get hurt again. I set it in a corner to collect dust, thinking it was for the best. I couldn't trust myself to choose someone who would choose me back. Or so I thought. I was really just having a really long pity party.

I've taken my heart off that shelf and been dusting it off for awhile now, and it feels good. It feels like it is long overdue actually. Hearts need to be used on the daily. They need to love and be loved. Just like the dishes. For daily use.

1 comment:

  1. Your post makes me smile for you and for your willingness to take a risk with your heart after hurt. I too put my heart and my life on a shelf a few years ago. I take my life off the shelf every once in a while but risking my heart is another level of risk. Yet, your reminder that if we do not use it, we lose it. We do need to be loved and supported. Thanks for the encouragement.


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