dream, hope, run

We do hope, my friend
Dream too
Lovely and romantic play
Everyday affection
My love, only you can excite
With handsome virtue
Find me now, love
Seek your bright heart
With eternal hope between us
Find our dawn
Run to tomorrow


  1. I'm so glad you included the picture! You have a knack for nailing that last line. It's almost always my favorite line in your poems.

  2. I am late to the National Poetry Month party! I have always wanted to write poetry, but I rather terrified of it. I agree with akidd, I love that you included the picture. Maybe I should pull out my magnetic words and start writing poetry on my fridge :-)

  3. National Poetry Month was an exciting venture for many of us. Waxing poetic is always a lovely way to express our thoughts. Mary Lee Hahn created a hashtag for enjoying poetry with magnetic letters, etc. #PlayWithPoetryNPM. You could add your entry today on Twitter with the hashtag. Dream, Hope, Run is a lovely title as is your poem. If you ever feel inclined, join in our Poetry Friday group. We meet each Friday at one of the poets' blogs. Here is an example of what 39 poets offered last Friday when I hosted: https://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2019/04/on-spring-day-poetry-friday-roundup.html


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