no, fear

What love is worth throwing out the window?
What would someone trade to give away an honest love?
Is it in the pure acceptance and healthy gratitude
That they find the strength to leave?
Is it in the care and thoughtfulness
Wherein the fuel is found to run away so willingly?
Maybe it was in those loving eyes and happy arms—
Or the glad manner and truthful wishing?
Perhaps the will to leave was found in the promise
Of hope and wanting for security?
There must have been too much joy laced in every moment
Too much goodness and friendship and truth
Fear has no place, so we must make room.
Perplexed, I ask what kind of trade is fear?

Why be afraid of being wanted?
Why not look toward the sunrise with unfettered hope?
What would it hurt to let go of painful patterns?
Would it be terrible to let yourself be taken care of?
Would it be so bad to be glad in caring for another?
Wouldn't it be sweet to hold hands every day?
Maybe it would be okay to let the light in—
Let promises stick and someone stay.
Maybe happiness starts within each of us.
Maybe we have to want that something more
That keeps on coming at us in waves,
Offered with generosity as another chance
To let go of isolation, and hold onto love.
Maybe we need to finally say, Fear has no place here.

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