gratefulness: discernment

As November approached, I contemplated my annual gratitude month daily writing. It has merit. It helps me to focus on the good things in my life. But this year has been bearing down on me as it comes to a close, and writing every single day sounds like it might break me. When I came to this conclusion, I realized that it would be just fine to write once a week and give myself a break from the full expectation.

Making that decision alone is something to be grateful for. I haven't always been good at seeing when I am needlessly making life more difficult by piling on too many good things. Writing every day is a good thing until it becomes a chore that could push you over the edge into a mild depression because life is just that hectic. That is when it becomes not a good thing. Having discernment about something so valuable to my life shows me that I am getting better in tune with my needs and limitations and caring for myself better.

I am thankful for the lessons I have learned that got me here, knowing that it is good to write less, and I hope to hear from some of you about what you are grateful for as we work on increasing gratefulness this month.


  1. Taking care of oneself is very important for health. Your choice of writing once a week doesn't lessen the gratitude you hold.

  2. Sometimes it's good to listen to the voice urging us to be in tune with our needs and limitations. Grateful for two grandsons that keep me young and moving to keep up with them.

  3. I’ll be doing some “thanks” writing with third graders with the mentor text, Gracias, Thanks, by Pat Mira, illustrated by John Parras.

  4. Good lessons indeed. Sometimes it is a wonderful thing to do something with incredible consistency and sometimes it is best to be consistently balanced. Glad you are finding your way.

  5. It's great to me in tune with your needs. Very important!


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