gratefulness: family

My family. So many people. I don't know where to begin when I think of everyone in my family who make a difference in my life, past and present. My parents, their parents, and theirs. Do I begin with the people I created, my children? The purpose and direction I have because of their existence makes my life what it is. But then I think of how my son is getting married this coming week, and I think of my future family. I think of how God answered my humble prayers and sent this sweet girl to bless my son and all of us. I consider all of the cousins who love me and help me and let me love them. There are so many people to be grateful for. I am thankful for my brothers and their families, my sisters in law and nieces and nephews. Gratitude is high for my brother who fought for our country and strives to keep going and is always my friend. I am thankful for the ancestors I never met who came across the sea long before the United States of America was even born to help forge this land and make a home for me. I am who I am because of my family, this near, far, extended, and self created family that I love.


  1. What a tribute to the family you're a part of both past, present, and future! Congrats on your son's upcoming marriage.

  2. What an awesome concept to consider in gratitude. Our family has always seem scattered to me, due to our military upbringing. But you're right, their existence, no matter how far apart geographically, still has an impact. Thanks for giving me something to ponder this morning.


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