Christmas lights


Day 20. 

I've been chipping away at decorating for Christmas for the past couple of weeks, and I got the Christmas tree up first with the help of my two youngest children still at home. Then I began working out where all the little strands of battery operated lights would go around the dining area and living room for our various Christmas decor displays. The balcony lights got done last week, so that has been nice to look upon each night since then. And the elves began working on the children's bathroom Christmas transformation last night. And it is all so lighthearted and lovely. I really need some lightheartedness right now. My entire existence just feels so heavy lately, and I can hardly bear it each day. And these bits of shininess around my home help lift my spirits. I am literally sitting here in the half lit room at the table looking over at my Christmas tree all aglow and beaming with gratitude for its simple loveliness. 

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