

Day 19. 

It might sound a tad ghetto to write about being grateful for my microwave oven, but I do not even care. That thing saves me when I am in a pinch and my children need a decent meal. I get out some leftover roast beef or a frozen meal from the freezer, throw that food into the microwave, and magically have something good to eat for us. Even when my children were all younger and I worked in the home, the microwave was such a handy tool for warming foods up.

I remember when my family growing up got our first microwave. I was in fourth or fifth grade, and it was truly miraculous to have food cook/reheat in such speedy ways, and you didn't have to stand there and mess with anything. It all just turned into hot, edible food. 

I got to thinking about all this because of my oldest daughters birthday gift from one of my cousins. Microwave cooking containers that turn ramen or macaroni and cheese into edible food without watching a pot or anything boiling over. I am taken right back to elementary school and watching through the window in awe. 


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