

Day 23. 

They are funny things, memories. They come and go. They get made and get forgotten. They pop into our minds when we are doing something else, and all of a sudden, we are transported to another time and oftentimes another place. 

I was sent a memory of my dad that was not my memory but one that belongs to a cousin who is like a brother to me. This memory touched my heart and made me think about all the memories that are mine that match with his about my dad and how he really took time to teach life lessons. My dad wasn't a profound speaker (he actually taught us all his very bad swearing problem too), but he was good at finding those moments that children need to learn in to become good people. 

I am thankful for people sharing memories that lead to my memories coming to the forefront of my heart, and I hope you might find a memory or two to be thankful for right now as well. 

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