my family

 Day 22. 

As my children are all growing up and going about their lives, I think about the days when they were all little and how I would cook and clean and set about the work of teaching and entertaining them. I think about all the fun we had. And I think on the hard times too and hope those will all be forgiven and maybe even forgotten somehow. I then let those sad thoughts go and think about where we are now and how despite all the hard times then and lingering still, my children and I love to spend time together. Every time we can talk on the phone or eat a dinner together, my wish that the good will outweigh the bad seems to be coming true. I just want to have a good life where we all feel thankful for each other, and I am thankful for each of my precious children who look to me to help and guide them. I am blessed beyond measure by the love they give to me. Their love and forgiveness and teachability and leadership in our family make my life good. 

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