Word of the Year: Broken

image by The Savvy Sage

If I had to choose just one word to describe 2011, it would be broken. The entire year was spent examining broken down parts of my life and seeing what might be done to fix them. Several broken aspects will not be mended; they are broken beyond repair. Yet, many of the dysfunctional and seemingly broken areas were looked at, broken down into more manageable parts, and rebuilt in new, more practical ways.

Some of the residual brokenness has to spill over into the new year, although I choose to begin recognizing that all areas of life can use improvements from time to time; they aren't necessarily broken. Finding the strength to overcome negativity enables me to better see things as they really can be.

Another conscious choice I now make is to stop allowing the brokenness to define me, now or ever, anymore because I am a person not a thing. I have much, much more to me than just broken parts that are messily glued together or even lost forever. I am a thoughtful person; I find joy in serving others; I love to sing and listen to good music; I work to overcome things I do not like about myself; I want to love and be loved; and some people even say I am funny. I think it's only because I can laugh at myself though!

I choose to be on the mend, and even healed before the end of this year. I start today, and every day from now on, to be the person I desire to be before she had to go into hiding within herself.

Related Links:

My Perfect Square

Broken Hearts Heal

Hurting and Healing

Positivity Amidst Negativity

Reflection and Resolution


  1. My hope and prayer is that 2012 will be filled with joy and peace as you grown in self esteem and know that above ALL else, you are loved by God.

  2. Melody-Mae: Thank you for your encouragement. All that you said and more are my hopes for this new, fresh, and untainted year.


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