Thirty Days of Gratitude

As we begin November, I want to focus each day on one aspect of life for which I have gratitude. I have been living life with a famine perspective lately, but by expressing gratitude every day for a month, I believe I will turn this famine into overflowing abundance before our very eyes. 

To show my gratitude for you who read my words and participate in this purplicious community, I have a bit of an appreciation gift as we head into November. There will be a series of book giveaways (one is happening now) throughout the month and we will also have a guest post from a New York Times best-selling author, so keep coming back so you don't miss out on all the fun.

And in case I didn't spell it out clear enough-- I am grateful for you. I am grateful that I have an audience to write to. I am grateful for what you add to my life by sharing your insights through comments. I am grateful to have connected deeply with so many of you.

Please join me in this Thirty Days of Gratitude venture. You can do so by leaving a comment with a link to your gratitude blog post or by simply writing it in the comments section each day. So come back every day or a few times, but no matter what I would love to enjoy abundance together.

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  2. Love it. I've done this before in the form of Facebook posts and it does make a difference in my attitude. Maybe I'll do it via twitter this year. Maybe hashtag it #dailygratitude

    1. That hashtag is perfect! Thank you for contributing to this venture in recognizing abundance.
      Any tweeters who leave a comment or link here, also tweet your comment or link with the tag: #dailygratitude

  3. I have been practicing gratitude for some time now. I never have been one to grumble a lot but it's not the same as taking time to say "Thank you" for as many as things I can say "Thank you" for. I spend a lot of time thanking God not for what He can do for me but just for who He is.

    The reward is getting woken up to pray & I consider that an honor & privilege. Many things are changing people!

    I have also been trying to live a more grateful life. "Honestly" thankful, not just saying "Thank you" because it's polite. I am very curious to see how this works. I will let you know.

    In the mean time I have favorites your tweet & have RT for you. I hope you will see action from this.

    Great idea! Thank you for taking time to do this. It will change lives, I am convinced.

    Sincerely, @Duffy1958

    1. I believe it will change lives. Thank you for having such confidence and bringing so much light to the conversation. Abundance is already overtaking the famine within.

  4. I absolutely LOVE this! What a great way to take some time out for yourself to express how you feel. Also, to remind yourself to be grateful for the life you have. I sincerely thank God everyday for giving me the strength, courage, and intergrity to live an abundant life! It's not always easy but I try extremely hard to be a kind person to others and i can only hope that I can be treated the same way. God Bless! @justrrrs

    1. I appreciate what you have brought up. Strength and courage are requisite if we are to live an abundant life. SO true. Thank you, and I hope to see more of you.

  5. I am so thankfull for all the great people out there, helping out those in need because of #Sandy! #dailygratitude by Crystal_Guill

    1. Very true! Having a sense of community makes life worth living when things are bad.

  6. Online shopping. :)

  7. I am grateful for passions that I've been given to help me through hard times, such as writing and musical ability. Everyone has different things that help them cope. These are mine.

    1. Mike! You're the first man to show up to this party.

      I, too, get my strength from writing and music, and I like how you explained passions as a coping mechanism. Beautifully expressed.

      Thanks for participating. I hope to see you around more.


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