the (dis)enchanting

On broken wing we swiftly fly away
To find the world we loved
Never to see what we thought we had
Now knowing, disbelieving, 'twas at bay

Hopes for tastes of perfect beauty, peace,
Remain trapped within a dream
Where everything we might believe
Was and is arrived in Paradise

Dedicated to the victims and their families of the Newtown, Connecticut tragedy. 

related link: Hug Them a Little Tighter


  1. This is beautiful and poignant; it completely captures what I feel today.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. I had an overwhelming wash of words and sentiment come over me and this is what came of it.

  2. Beautiful poem, Laura. I couldn't watch the news for 3 weeks and still can't. Too much sorrow and I pray for the parents often, and for the family of the brave teacher, who saved her students.


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