
To begin, I want to say welcome and hope you come back each day to read and share what you're thankful for with me. Each year, there are people who approach me in person or on other social sites, so no one else can see the discussions going on. I encourage you to share here, in the comments, so more people can be inspired. You don't have to, but count this as a friendly invitation.

So what do I share to break the ice? What rises to the top as I ponder a mountain of blessings?


The severity and frequency of major disasters around the world, which have left many people stranded without shelter, put my gratitude in sharp focus. My children and I have our home intact and dry, free from defect. I can't imagine how we'd survive one of those terrible calamities with how life is precarious of sorts as it is. Putting myself in the shoes of those who lost so much has helped me recognize how much more secure we are than how I was perceiving things before then.

Shelter is essential for healthy human existence, and I am not taking it for granted, hopefully, ever again.

As I wrap this up, I wonder if anyone reading this knows someone or is someone who lost their home over the past year or so due to a disaster. I'd appreciate learning your story of recovery if you don't mind sharing.

So anyway. Until tomorrow. Day 1 down, 29 to go. Share a comment. I mean it!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for inviting me to do this and reminding me about it! I did not even realize it was November until you pointed it out. Yikes, I'm a mess. Anyway here's my post for the day!


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